Power of Authenticity has been defined as courage to be self. To present his own true character in front of others. It may be looking as a special action but in reality it is an attribute of trut…
No matter what culture we're from, all of us love music . Being an expression of humanity we all used to listen music for enjoyment. Music is a form of art; an expression of emotions thr…
Dear Friends, In daily routine we used play the game of life. Sometime we win sometimes we lose. Sometime we feel extremely happy due to achievement and sometimes we feel misery on…
We all want to live a powerful life. What does mean powerful here. Does it mean the authority we enjoy at work place? Or it means power of money? Or muscle power? No my friends. Whe…
आजकल देश में, देश प्रेम पर बड़ी बड़ी बहस होने लगती है| हम अपने आप को एक दूसरे से बेहतर देश प्रेमी सिद्ध करने में लग जाते ह्नै| यह प्रवृत्ति नौकरी पेशा और बिज़नेसमैन दोनों में हमने देखी है |…
In recent survey of Indian corporate employees, it has been observed that good %age of employees are suffering from work life imbalance. Main symptoms of work life imbalance are body pain, feel…
1- P OSITIVE THINKING IMPROVEs THE IMMUNE SYSTEM by experience medical practitioners confirms that people recover from illnesses such as flu and colds faster and are less symptomatic than …
All of us have been given this body on rent by God for a particular period to discharge our duties in day to day life. So we are responsible for its maintenance and upkeep. As we know tha…
1. Begin with ourselves! Evaluate your own energy through following questions. Are we generally a positive or negative person? Do we have a high or low energy level? How do others respond to…