Finding Positivity in Negativity

Finding Positivity in Negativity

Dear Friends,
In daily routine we used play the game of life. Sometime we win sometimes we lose.   Sometime we feel extremely happy due to achievement and sometimes we feel misery on account of drawback. Whenever we win we feel a sense of satisfaction, proud etc. Sometimes we develop ego about our capabilities etc. We used to narrate it as our strength.
Whenever we feel the setback, we used to either blame other or feel nervous. Always thinking OMG why I? Why I only. Sometimes we blame our luck.

It is general rule that positivity breeds positivity and negativity breeds negativity. However, by introspection and being little more curious about cosmic drama we can decode that negativity can also breed positivity and vice versa.

Does God give problems to us intentionally? Can God really be biased with us?
No my friends. Suffering and misery are the inescapable acts of the Cosmic drama. God does not decree these calamities, but we invite them by way of retribution for this evil deeds. This is the corrective punishment by nature, which includes us to give up the wrong path. All this is the part of grand synthesis in which the negative serve to glorify the positives. The death glorifies the immortality, ignorance glorifies the wisdom, misery glorifies the bliss. Night glorifies the dawn.

So whenever you feel hardship in life take it as outcome of any past ignorance or inappropriate Karma and go through process of cleansing. Shortly you will get in your best form. Like Gold becomes more signing when it is burned into fire. In same way leaders becomes more powerful when they take these ups and downs with equanimity.
All the best

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