Every year Deepawali is celebrated on Amavasya (New Moon day) of Karthik month of Indian calendar. Indian peoples living anywhere in the world celebrate this day as a festival of light. They light …
प्रिय प्रधानमंत्री जी सादर अभिवादन सबसे पहले आपको नए भारत की नीव रखने के लिए धन्यवाद् जो कि आत्मनिर्भर हो सक्षम हो और दुनिया के साथ कदम से कदम मिला कर, और आंख में आंख डाल कर बात करे। धारा ३…
In practical life, we found some students securing attractive marks throw-out their studies but others not so well. Some students were very brilliant in childhood but gradually they lost their pace a…
Recently one of my clients having turnover of approx..100 Cr asked a question to me whether Internal Auditing is equally beneficial for small and medium enterprises as it appears to be for large or…
Suppose its year 2025 and you have been called by a television channel to participate in a panel discussion. You went well dressed and got the topic to speak on “ year 2020 ”, just imagine how will y…
Now a day’s depression is a very common disease found worldwide. All of us go through it in some phase of life but sometimes do not recognize it. We have seen patients of all age groups suffering fro…