Do you think that our mind will revert exactly what is stated in italic words? On a random basis it may be yes but I have doubt. Since life means changes. The graph of life is never straight. In a short time it may go up and down but in long range it will definitely go up. When we are growing means we are surrounded with “energy”. When we are going down means we are surrounded with “Consciousness”. Combination of energy and consciousness develops a pattern in the human mind. In an idealistic society this pattern filters out the negative thoughts from the mind and retains positive one. If this theory works well then let us imagine what else our mind may remember/revert about year 2020. Is it India’s true effort to become self-reliant nation, revival of economy and society from pandemic effect, New Education policy, Support of educated and cultured peoples of all religions in construction of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, Change in Foreign policy of India to counter sly countries like China.
Some of us might not believe that actually our mind will really filter out so many negative experiences, pains and miseries suffered in such a difficult time. It’s true at least with traditional Indians since we have been experiencing so many ups and downs in history for more than 5000 years. In our life there is a significant impact of Vedas through our sanskaras. Our sanskaras make the peace our real eternal nature. We are not inclined to search for peace in the outside world rather we see it inside like a shoreless ocean. Like a light illuminating the world. By having peace, inside we feel all fulfilments.
Vedas declare that peace is the real character of human mind. To experience peace forever they have suggested certain steps illustrated below-
- Practice harmony in thought, deed and action.
- Develop total love in hearts.
- Develop discipline in life.
- Constant contemplation of God.
- Endurance with the joyful resignation of ups and downs.
- Adherence to truth and righteous conduct.
- Lay down inveterate enemy anger.
Observance of above principles have impacted the Indian culture and human being so significantly that despite being a strong nation in all respects it never attacked any other country. Even despite being attacked by foreign looters again and again it always welcomed everyone and gave them refuse and shelter on humanitarian ground.
To develop discipline in life our culture suggested to implement certain values such as truth, right conduct, love and Ahimsa. We have discussed these values in our earlier articles.
Ahimsa was the most popular export of India to the world in 20th century. We have been taught that Gandhi jee worshiped Ahimsa by not harming anyone. By his constant practice of Ahimsa we got freedom. Undoubtedly this is also a hard fact.
Now question arises that whether Ahimsha was a new term which suddenly appeared in Indian life along with Gandhiji ?. Or it was a value of life practiced in India since long?. Let us see what is Ahimsha in true Indian context.
Buddha defined the Ahimsa as “Parmo Dharmah” by not merely refraining from causing harm or injury to others but refraining from causing harm to oneself too. Accordingly, everyone was expected not to give room to bad looks, bad habits, bad speech, bad hearing, bad thoughts and bad actions. We are expected to maintain moderation in our conduct. Many germs die when we take bath or walks or do any action. Even in the process of breathing many germs die. Violence is present in all actions. Therefore, to avoid consequences of such involuntary violence to living creators, one is advised to dedicate all his actions to the divine.
Further Gandhiji has been quoted saying that if anyone slaps you then place another cheek against him. This looks good but whether by “Dandi March” he did he follow this rule? Probably no. By making salt he worked against the selfish interest of British. He supported handlooms to make India self-reliant. In a way it was a violence against the interest of British Businessmen. But Gandhiji chooses to follow Ahimsa with self too. In this way he advised to maintain balance between Ahimsa with others and Ahimsa with self.
By these examples we can realize that Gandhiji used to follow Ahimsa with self too. By teaching half cooked stories, a political party tried to make Gandhi an artificial brand for its political gains.
Just take a recent example of China. Everyone knows that China occupied an Independent Country called Tibet in 1950. Tibet is a cultural part of India. It never belongs to China. Our Tibetan peoples practice Ahimsa, but even after 70 years what is the status? Whether China is going to free it easily? Probably no. China is ever increasing its area by giving personal benefits to political parties of different states like the ruling party of Nepal, Pakistan even Congress party of India too.
Reality is that after world war-2 Britain was very near to financial bankruptcy so they were not in a position to retain its power in India and accordingly took back. So, Ahimsa is a way of life not a guarantee of freedom.
Since the behaviour of Chinese Govt showed that coronavirus was not a natural incidence. It was purposefully allowed to spread worldwide. We have learnt that history repeats itself. Therefore, year 2020 has given a duty to everyone to follow the rule of Ahimsa against self and boycott Chinese goods and services.
So, wishing all of you a grand birthday two sons of the nation i.e. Gandhiji and Shastri jee. Let the true intentions of these leaders in making India a self-reliant nation spread for awareness of all concerned. Therefore to allow our mind to revert good thoughts in 2025 let us do positive works which benefits the nation and make it everstrong.
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