This is the 4th Navratri festival since Covid-19 took grip over humanity. This Navaratri may be a little different from the earlier 2 ones. Prior to the corona period, we used to see a long queu…
India is a country of festivals. In comparison to other cultures or civilization’s, where only a maximum of 2-4 festivals are celebrated, we have a number of festivals like Deepawali, Holi, Aks…
आप को शिवरात्रि की बहुत बहुत शुभ कामनायें | इस वर्ष शिव रात्रि का त्यौहार १ मार्च २०२ २ मंगलवार बृहस्पतिवार को मनाया जा रहा है| शिवरात्रि भारत का प्राचीन और प्रमुख त्यौहार है जिसकी …
Tomorrow is 14 th February 2021. We remember this day for different reasons. Some young men and women celebrate it as valentine day. Since they love each other so they used to express their l…
The festival of Sankranti arrives with all its beauty and splendour. This day is no ordinary day. It marks the beginning of the sacred Uttarayana (northward journey of the Sun). It confers on…
Dear Friends, New year 2020 is being discussed as year twenty twenty. Similar to 2020 cricket match where peoples want more enjoyment in lesser time, they have developed expectations from new y…