New Year 2020 - Planning And Expectations

New Year 2020 - Planning And Expectations

Dear Friends,

New year 2020 is being discussed as year twenty twenty. Similar to 2020 cricket match where peoples want more enjoyment in lesser time, they have developed expectations from new year too. To cut short expectations are “Better and bigger results in lesser time”.
What need to be done?
To summarise with-
1) Take charge of your life.
2) Work on improvement of your efficiency & accuracy.
3) Excuses for errors are of no use. You need to be self-motivated.
4) In case of any error you have to learn from our errors and overcome on it quickly.
5) Stay away from demotivaters.

In practical terms we have to focus on our efficiency. In Internal Audit it is possible by data analysis and continuous audit. Similarly, in others trades data analytics will help in better planning.
Although we do our work diligently but improvement is regular process. If required, we need to invest on us in upgradation of skill and expertise. We have to give due importance to our health and relations so that they may support us in achieving our dreams. We have to innovate in process so that same work may be done in lesser time with more accuracy. It is possible in today’s technologically advance age.
Is it difficult?
If your answer is Yes, then let’s do a small exercise. imagining that you have bunch of 100 keys and you are locked in a room with a disaster upfront. You anyhow quickly need to unlock yourself in order to survive. Now anyone of us would definitely try to unlock the door with every key of the bunch unless and until it gets opened. Why?
Because we know it is matter of life. But the problem is we forget this when it comes to achievement of our dreams. And we fail in trying all keys to the lock. We give up early start making excuses. Do not blame our failure on luck, circumstances, environment or any other person. It’s only our responsible for our success or our failure. Always remember one thing friends “It really all depends on choice”. Not circumstances.
So we have to prepare ourselves in advance.
Good Luck for year 2020.

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