BIography Of Aadi Shankrachrya - Explained In Consice

BIography Of Aadi Shankrachrya - Explained In Consice

In starting of Kaliyuga Hinduism was not in very good condition. At that time India was ruled by so many kings who continued to fight with each other. Regional feelings and superiority on each other was predominant. Not only kings but religious teachers too started interpreting the scriptures in narrow sense. As a result, people’s faith on Vedas and Upanishads started diluting.

At that time, there were a Brahmin couple named Shivaguru and Ayamba living in Kaladi village of Kerala state. They had no child, so they prayed to Bhagwan Shiva for a child. One night Shivaguru saw Bhagwan Shiva in dream, saying that he will get a child but his life span will be very short. It is believed that Bhagwan Shiva took birth himself so child was named as Shankara. It is believed that to restore the confidence Shankara as a divine presence took birth. 28th April 2020 is being celebrated as his birth Anniversary. 

Upanayan sanskar of Shankara was done when he was 3-year-old and after some time his father passed away. By the time Shankara could read texts and recite Gayatri Mantra. By the age of 16 he completed the study of 4 Vedas. Once a group of saints was passing through his home they identified Shankara as a spark of divine.

 Shankara was attracted towards Sanyasa (hermit) in his early childhood but his mother disapproved it and insisted him to get married which he denied politely, rather he taught about renunciation. During that period while bringing water from river poorna he was caught by a crocodile and asked his mother to allow him to become sanyasi to get free from crocodile. When mother agreed then he left home for education and reached to the Ashram of Goinda Bhagwatpada. Before taking Sanyasa his mother took words from him that he will perform her last rituals. Most of the time his schooling happened at Omkaeshwar at bank of Narmada, Kashi at bank of Ganga and Badrinath Dham in the Himalyas. He learnt Vedas Upanishads and Brahmasutra. 

 He wrote commentaries on Brahmasutra’s, Upanishads and Bhagvad Gita. In Brahamsutra he stated that every human being is a gem irrespective of his caste. Within those gems Brahman is like thread that binds them together. He taught that education shall be used for acquiring wisdom not merely to earn the livelihood. During his visit to Kashi he taught peoples to give up thrust for money rather develop the thrust for God. He declared that Advait means oneness of spirit and awareness of the spirit. Shankara taught that love is above any knowledge. He participated in a debate with Mandan Mishra a Pandit of Karma theory and won the debate. Wife of Mandan Mishra Ubhaya Bharati was judge of the debate and declared Shankara as winner.       

 Shankara traveled from Kashmir to Kanyakumari several time by foot and convinced the students about truth of non dualism “Ekam Eva Advaitam Brahma”. He confirmed that God is one and the basis of all diversities is one divine. During travel he composed the famous song "Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Bhaj Govindam Moodh Mate".  

 Adi Shankara left the body at the age of 32, by the time collected 5 Shiva lingas and established them in Puri, Dwarka, Shringeri, Varanasi and Kanchi. At Kanchi he established Yoga Linga which was worshiped by Mandan Mishra before going to Sanyasa. After establishing the math he promoted harmony in the country and told Advaita as changeless reality.

When he was in Kashi addressing the assembly of students he imagined the distressed image of his mother and after quick dispense of assembly he left for Kaladi and offered Tulsi water to his mother and she left her body. Despite attaining the sanyasa he performed last rituals of her mother although traditional pandits did not liked it. Even the villagers did not help him and he carried the body of his mother into the backyard of his home and cremated there. By this way kept his word given to his mother. After last rituals he returned to Kashi again.

 He taught youth to give up sensual pleasure and to think about God. He advised them to do their duty and dedicate their life for the service of divine “Brahm Satyam Jagat Mithya”. In order to love and serve God he advised them to give-up attachment to worldly desires. By developing desired youth can get free from all fears. Detachment does not develop by compulsion rather; it grows because of love towards God. Shankaracharya advised peoples to practice human values in life and maintain harmony in thought deed and actions, which is known as “Trikal Suddhi” in the Vedas.  

Now a day when the world is going through pandemic and instead of praying to God few peoples are fighting in name of narrow interpretation of religion, let us follow the path suggested by Shankra and pray to God to guide us again.

Source - Sathya Sai Speaks

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