Love All Serve All

Love All Serve All

There was a lady in Paris. She led her life with the little money she had. She saw one day some helpless footpath dwellers shivering in the cold. She was deeply moved by this sight. Every day she used to take a few blankets along with her and offer them to those poor, needy and forlorn. This has gone to the notice of the elders and finally to the Government. They decided to honor her. A few youngsters came to her to congratulate her. She said that she was not happy since she could not help everyone, when compassionate almighty god was helping everyone always. She further added that she felt ashamed and frustrated, as her help could not be extended to everyone.
We also used to see many peoples on our way who are suffering from similar situation in Cold. Did we thought about them? Do we feel any responsibility towards them? If take this question differently say why should we help them ? Are they anyway related to me ? What will change at macro level from my small help? My own requirements are still not unfulfilled why should I think about these petty things? What I will get in return if I help anyone?
Friends, if we have love, it is enough. Everything will be added unto us. Service sacrifice, humility, devotion, discipline etc are contained within love. It is only love that prompts and promotes all virtues. Where there is love, there will not be ego. Hatred, jealously, and such other low mean qualities.
So let’s develop the habit of love to all and serve all. This practice, once started will eventually remove negative feeling and bring back positivity in thought, deed and action. So try to help as much as we can. This selfless practice will fulfil our life with divine feelings and self-realization.

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