Energy is divine, Conserve it

Energy is divine, Conserve it

“Spiritual practise consists of speaking good, thinking good, seeing good, hearing good, and doing good. Excessive talking must also be avoided, as it is a waste of energy. When one gets weak due to wastage of energy, he is prone to get angry and develop hatred. We must therefore use our God-given energy for good purposes. Energy is a Divine gift. By curtailing unnecessary talk and keeping silent, we can conserve energy. Ancient sages suggest the golden rule ‘Talk less and work more.
“Let’s do not waste energy! Energy is God. Today, we are wasting a lot of energy through unsacred vision, bad thoughts, bad hearing, and excessive talk. Our body can be compared to a radio. When the radio is turned on continuously, the batteries become discharged quickly. Likewise, if we indulge in excessive talk, we will be losing a lot of energy. That is why the ancient sages and seers used to observe silence. So, let’s conserve energy by observing silence at least one day in a week.”  
In addition to the above, any type of energy like water, food, electricity, fuel etc must be used judiciously. Its wastage is a sin.
Our physical, mental, and spiritual energies should never be wasted. We may have a query, ‘How are we wasting our energies?’ If we see bad things, our energy is wasted. Hearing bad things, speaking evil, thinking evil thoughts, and doing evil deeds wastes our energy. Conserve our energy in all these five areas, and make our life more meaningful.
See no evil—see what is good.
Hear no evil—hear what is good.
Speak no evil—speak what is good.
Think no evil—think what is good.
Do no evil—do what is good.
This is the way to God.
“The path of Divinity is not seeing, listening, speaking, thinking, or doing anything bad. If we are not following this path, we are wasting our energy. On account of this waste of energy, we are losing our memory power, intelligence, power of discrimination, and power of justice”.

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